Monday, October 20, 2008

Widgetmate - your friend if you have a website

Have a website and looking for content on different topics? Head for widgetmate

Widgetmate provides news widgets on various topics for your website for freee. These widgets come in various sizes and can be customized. You can choose the colors, border, topics, size. Once you are done with your customizations, click to get the code. Use this code on your website at the place where you want the content to be displayed.

Widgetmate offers these widgets in numerous sizes and layouts - Scrolling Sidebar layout, Wide scrolling layout with images, Sidebar layout with images, Wide layout without images, Scrolling News Ticker and many others.

The News Widget delivers fresh, breaking news from around the world for the topics of your choice to your blog, webpage, website, or homepage.

These widgets are compatible with Blogger, TypePad, WordPress, HTML, PHP and JavaScript.

So, for your website-content needs, widgetmate is the place to be.